VL Pneumatic Clutch/Brakes

Smaller diameters with a lower contact velocity.

  • An extended operating life.
  • Sustained slippage.
  • The Type VL is designed for industry applications in which high-volume inertia loads and sustained slippage would normally result in torque loss and a reduced operating life. The typical applications in which the pneumatic VL is used include oil and gas machinery, grinding mills, metal-forming machinery, and marine propulsion.

    Read about the torque capacities of the VL pneumatic clutch/brake combination and its standard sizes (both narrow and wide) by clicking the Eaton Airflex brochure below.

    Also please ask Marshward any questions about the above or any product you've seen here online. Telephone the team on +44 (01926) 815480 or contact via email by clicking here: [email protected]


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