CB | Pneumatic Clutches Brakes

Read about the pneumatic clutches and brakes made by Airflex. Their CB range of products are used as both clutches and brakes in power transmission applications. The torsional resilience is provided by transmitting power through the side walls of a flexible neoprene/cord actuating tube. This kind of flexibility allows minor shaft misalignment.

Features of the CB Range of Airflex Pneumatic Clutches and Brakes are:

  • The Type CB is suited for high speed, cyclic operations, as well as for coupling and general power transmission.
  • Torque capacities go up to: 1,160,000 Ib·in, 131.000 N·m
  • The typical applications in which Airflex clutches and brakes are used are in can making machinery, metal forming machinery, oil and gas machinery, printing, rubber processing, tire building.
  • The CB range is supplied in standard Sizes: 3CB150, 4CB200, 5CB200, 6CB200, 8CB250, 10CB300, 12CB350, 14CB400, 16CB500, 18CB500, 20CB500, 22CB500, 24CB500, 26CB525, 28CB525, 30CB525, 32CB525, 36CB525, 40CB525, 45CB525

If you have any technical questions about the Airflex clutches and brakes on the Marshward webiste, you can download their brochure below.

You can also telephone the UK-based Marshward by calling +44 (01926) 815480 and by emailing us here: [email protected]

Eaton Airflex Products